Momentum Mutual Fund ICC Limited

Momentum Wealth International operates the Momentum Mutual Fund ICC Limited (Incorporated Cell Company), a Guernsey-based umbrella structure to assist with fund structuring solutions.

Man wearing a white shirt and blue suit jacket with his right hand on a wooden steering wheel.

What we offer

Momentum Wealth International operates the Momentum Mutual Fund ICC Limited (Incorporated Cell Company), a Guernsey-based umbrella structure comprised of many funds (called Incorporated Cells, or ICs).

Each IC is a separate legal entity and can have different investment strategies and sub-investment managers.

This means that the ICC is an ideal investment structure to house not only our Momentum-branded funds but also funds for South African Category 2 licence holders looking for a flexible and cost-efficient unitised solution for their clients.

Momentum Mutual Fund ICC

The diagram below shows the legal structure and key role players in the Momentum Mutual Fund ICC Limited. This structure is well-regulated and can be more cost-efficient due to its uncomplicated arrangement.

Fund diagram
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Service providers and partners

We partner with the best of the best to offer you the best services for your offshore investments.

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Northern Trust

Northern Trust's Guernsey office provides fund administration, custody, banking, and fiduciary services to a global client base, including specialist, multi-manager and conventional funds, corporations, family offices, and private individuals.

Momentum Global Investment Management logo

Momentum Global Investment Management (MGIM)

Momentum Global Investment Management was established in the UK in 1998 and focuses on designing, building and managing outcome-based investment solutions, delivered through single and multi-asset portfolios and tailored client solutions.

Fund documentation

View all the latest fund fact sheets below.

How to invest with us

We believe that your investment decisions are important and should not be made without expert financial advice. For this reason, our products are only available through licensed financial advisers.

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